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Sei in: Home  News  Sony annuncia un taglio dei prezzi per PS2 e accessori
Sony annuncia un taglio dei prezzi per PS2 e accessori
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 23 agosto 2006
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Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) ha annunciato, mediante il comunicato stampa che è allegato di seguito, una variazione del prezzo con cui la sua PlayStation 2 viene offerta al pubblico europeo. Di conseguenza la PS2 costa, con decorrenza immediata, €129.99: tuttavia SCEE ha anche ridotto i prezzi della memory card da 8Mb, ora acquistabile con soli €19.99.

Alla base di questo annuncio vi sono, in accordo alle parole del produttore, due importanti motivazioni. La prima è legata all'elevata efficienza raggiunta dal processo produttivo delle PS2, che ha permesso di ridurre i costi. La seconda è connessa invece al successo che la console ha riscosso a livello mondiale: con 106 milioni di unità vendute a partire da Novembre 2000, PS2 è un business sempre più intenzionato a battere ogni record di vendita.

Sony ha anche reso noto che, agli oltre 2200 titoli per PS2 al momento esistenti, se ne aggiungeranno altri 150 entro il prossimo Natale. Tra essi: SingStar Legends, EyeToy, Kinetic Combat, Buzz! Junior: Jungle party e Buzz! The Sports Quiz.

London, 21 August 2006 – Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) today announced that it is to begin offering the hugely successful PlayStationÒ2 computer entertainment system in Europe at €129.99 (£94.99) with immediate effect. The price of Memory Card (8MB) (for PlayStation 2) will also fall to €19.99.

With almost 40 million PlayStation 2 systems already shipped throughout Europe, the popularity of PlayStation 2 continues to exceed all industry expectations.

Significant advances in manufacturing efficiency, together with economies of scale driven by global shipments of over 106 million units have enabled cost savings to be made, which are now being passed on directly to new PlayStation 2 customers.

The price reduction comes in time for consumers to benefit from the wealth of PlayStation 2 software scheduled for launch in the run up to Christmas. With over 2,200 titles already available for PlayStation 2, and over 150 targetted for launch in Europe prior to Christmas 2006, there has never been a better time to join the community of PlayStation users. Key family friendly titles from SCEE for the festive season include SingStar Legends, EyeToy; Kinetic Combat, Buzz! Junior: Jungle party and Buzz! The Sports Quiz.

With across the board support from the world’s leading software developers, a wealth of outstanding games launching in the run-up to Christmas, and unbeatable technology, PlayStation 2 now represents amazing value for money at its new price point.

Commenting on the new price David Reeves, President of SCEE said, “With this attractive new price point and a vast portfolio of over 2,200 software titles including social gaming blockbusters such as EyeToy, SingStar and Buzz!, we believe there has never been a better time to join the community of PlayStation 2 users.”

“At this new price point of €129, the market leading PlayStation 2 should remain the computer entertainment system of choice for an even wider and more diverse audience for many years to come.”

Source: Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Press Release
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